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  • 适用于待测单元的加载或模拟
  • 5瓦高密度可编程负载模块
  • 0.5 Ω 至 1.5 MΩ 的宽电阻范围
  • 0.1 Ω 步长
  • 过电压、过流和过温检测
  • 外部电压和电流检测输出
  • 前面板上有用于紧急情况的故障保护中断输入
  • VXI 即插即用驱动程序

    The SMP7600A is a single channel programmable precision load. It is designed for applications such as RTD or other sensor simulation, process control, ATE calibration, and device under test loading. The SMP7600A contains internal, high-precision 5 W power resistors that are switched in and out via mechanical relays. It is capable of producing any resistance value between 0.5 Ω to 1,500,000 Ω and can be adjusted in 0.1 Ω increments via external commands. It is designed for terminal voltages from 0 to 200 V DC and for currents up to 0.5 A.

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