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  • SMP2009已停产
  • 占用空间小,开关容量大
  • 高击穿电压(开路触点之间为2,000 Vrms)
  • 屏蔽同轴信号路径提高了信号完整性
  • 适合通信应用的75欧姆阻抗
  • 前面板上有用于紧急情况的故障保护中断输入
  • 16个SPDT 500V 75欧姆
  • 1A开关
  • 2A载流
  • 25WDC
  • 超过35 MHz的带宽

    The SMP2008 and SMP2009 have been discontinued.

    The SMP2008 and SMP2009 have been designed for applications requiring high-voltage signal switching. These modules have also been designed with controlled 75 ohm shielded signal paths. This approach improves signal shielding, while making these modules ideal for switching CATV and other communication signals.

    Up to 96 500V DPST or SPDT relays can be accommodated in two VXIbus card slots for maximum density, or mixed and matched with other SMIPII™ cards for flexibility.

    All relays are driven from the VXIbus +5V supply line since VXIbus mainframes always have ample current capability on this supply line, as opposed to the +24 V or +12 V supply lines. Since these modules typically switch high voltage to the UUT or interface, a fail-safe interrupt input line is provided on the front panel that can open all relays automatically if a fault condition occurs. This approach instantly removes all power to the UUT or interface.

  • 相关产品 +

    部件号/型号 描述
    SMP2001A 20个SPST 16A电源开关或10个DPST 16A、VXI电源开关
    SMP2002A 12个SPDT 16A、VXI电源开关
    SMP2003 12个SPST 20A电源开关(仅限SMP1100)
    SMP2004 12个SPST 20A电源开关(仅限SMP1100)
    SMP2005 3个SPDT和3个SP4T 20A电源开关(仅限SMP1100)
    SMP2008 16个SPDT 500V高压继电器
    SMP2104 10通道20 A直流固态开关
    SMP2012 10个SPST 30A电源开关(仅限SMP1100)
    SMP2300 24个SPST或12个SPDT 500V、2A载流(50欧姆)
    SMP2300-93 24个SPST或12个SPDT 500V、2A载流(93欧姆)
    SMP6006 2(1x16)高压星形开关>250 MHz
    SMP2007A 48通道1000V高压多路复用器
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