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XG 1700

型号:XG 1700 系列
电压:6V - 600V
电流:2A - 220A
功率:1330W - 1710W
  • 概述 +

    Sorensen XG 1700 W

    XG 1700 是一款专门为测试、生产、研发实验室、OEM和质量控制应用而设计。XG 1700 是一款 1700 W 的程控电源。它在 1 U 尺寸内提供高达 1700W 的功率,带有恒压和恒流模式、自动切换等特性,性价比高、易于集成。

    XG 1700 具备多个控制和指示信号,如关断、恒定电压(CV)与恒定电流(CC)模式指示、OVP、OCP 和 OTP 等。用户可以任意选择逻辑高低电平。因此,用户无需太多系统工程知识就能用 XG 1700 替代现有电源

    多数直流电源都提供 0~5 V 或 0~10 V 模拟输入,对应控制 0 到满量程直流输出。而 XG 1700 模拟输入的范围则可在 0 V 到 2 V~10 V 之间任意选择。换句话说,模拟编程接口范围是可任意调节的。

    许多 ATE 系统需要一个或多个低功率固定电压电源来为其机柜内的各种外设供电。为此,XG 1700 提供两路标准辅助直流输出通道。两路辅助电源通道均可直接通过前面板或 SCPI 命令进行控制。 些通道可以实现直接驱动输出(关断或使继电器极性反向),而无需使用复杂的微机控制继电器板。

    为了实现快速编程,用户可以使用标准 SCPI 命令通过 USB、RS-232/485、LXI 或 GPIB 将序列编程并存储到存储器中。

    XG 1700 通过基于内部散热器的温度来控制风扇转速的全新方案。在电源向外输出脉动电能时就会将风扇调节到适宜的恒定转速。如此就能降低风扇噪声并延长其寿命。

    当处于闲置状态时,XG 1700 就会如同电脑显示器那样进入“休眠模式”。 由此就能减少能耗和并降低噪声。由于在休眠模式下 XG 1700 电源还处于开启状态,用户可以更快地激活输出。

    在电源从一个完整上电周期(前面板 LED 全灭)或计算机故障或重启中恢复后,自启动模式可以建立电源的输出状态。在此模式下,电源输出会恢复到先前的设置值。此外,当远程数字控制丢失时,XG 电源会保持上次编程的设定而不会中断任何测试过程。

    辅助输出自启动模式可检测完整上电周期(前面板 LED 未全灭)后的辅助输出状态。在此模式下,辅助输出会在电源再次开机后激活。


  • Specifications +

    Sorensen XG 1700 W 规格
    Output Ratings
    Model Output Voltage¹ Output Current² Output Power³
    XG 6-220 6 V 220 A 1330 W
    XG 8-200 8 V 200 A 1610 W
    XG 12-140 12 V 140 A 1690 W
    XG 20-84 20 V 84 A 1690 W
    XG 33-50 33 V 50 A 1690 W
    XG 40-42 40 V 42 A 1690 W
    XG 60-28 60 V 28 A 1690 W
    XG 80-21 80 V 21 A 1690 W
    XG 100-17 100 V 17A 1710 W
    XG 150-11.2 150 V 11.2 A 1690 W
    XG 300-5.6 300 V 5.6 A 1690 W
    XG 600-2.8 600 V 2.8 A 1690 W
    Line Regulation
    Model Voltage (0.005% of rated
    output voltage +2 mV)4
    Current (0.01% of rated
    output current +2 mA)5
    XG 6-220 2.3 mV 24 mA
    XG 8-200 2.4 mV 22 mA
    XG 12-140 2.6 mV 16 mA
    XG 20-84 3.0 mV 10.4 mA
    XG 33-50 3.7 mV 7 mA
    XG 40-42 4 mV 6.2 mA
    XG 60-28 5 mV 4.8 mA
    XG 80-21 6 mV 4.1 mA
    XG 100-17 7 mV 3.7 mA
    XG 150-11.2 9.5 mV 3.12 mA
    XG 300-5.6 17 mV 2.56 mA
    XG 600-2.8 32 mV 2.28 mA
    Load Regulation
    Model Voltage (0.005% of rated
    output voltage + 2 mV)6
    Current (0.02% of rated
    output current +5 mA)7
    XG 6-220 2.3 mV 49 mA
    XG 8-200 2.4 mV 45 mA
    XG 12-140 2.6 mV 33 mA
    XG 20-84 3.0 mV 22 mA
    XG 33-50 3.7 mV 15 mA
    XG 40-42 4 mV 13 mA
    XG 60-28 5 mV 1.06 mA
    XG 80-21 6 mV 9.21 mA
    XG 100-17 7 mV 8.4 mA
    XG 150-11.2 9.5 mV 7.2 mA
    XG 300-5.6 17 mV 6.1 mA
    XG 600-2.8 32 mV 5.6 mA
    Output Ratings
    Model Output Ripple (rms, 300 kHz) Output Noise
    (p-p, 20 MHz)
    Voltage Current8 Voltage
    XG 6-220 8 mV 400 mA 50 mV
    XG 8-200 8 mV 340 mA 50 mV
    XG 12-140 8 mV 240 mA 50 mV
    XG 20-84 8 mV 150 mA 50 mV
    XG 33-50 8 mV 120 mA 50 mV
    XG 40-42 8 mV 90 mA 50 mV
    XG 60-28 8 mV 70 mA 50 mV
    XG 80-21 8 mV 50 mA 80 mV
    XG 100-17 8 mV 40 mA 80 mV
    XG 150-11.2 10 mV 32 mA 100 mV
    XG 300-5.6 25 mV 20 mA 150 mV
    XG 600-2.8 50 mV 12 mA 250 mV
    1. Maximum output voltage is guaranteed to be ≤ 0.2% of the rated voltage at zero output setting, using the front panel or digital remote programming modes.
    2. Maximum output current is guaranteed to be ≤ 0.4% of the rated current at zero output setting, using the front panel or digital remote programming modes, and when measured with rated load resistance.
    3. Total output power is also based on AUX1 Output Voltage (5 V) and AUX1 Output Current (0.5 A) and AUX2 Output Voltage (15 V) and AUX2 Output Current (0.5 A).
    4. From 85–132 Vac or 170–265 Vac, constant load.
    5. From 85–132 Vac or 170–265 Vac, constant load.
    6. From no load to full load, constant input voltage.
    7. For load voltage change, equal to the unit voltage rating, constant input voltage.
    8. For 6 V models the current ripple is measured at 2–6 V output voltage and full output current. For all other models, the current ripple is measured at 10–100% output voltage and full output current.

    Note: All specifications are subject to change.
    Output Ratings
    Model Maximum Recommended Remote Sense Line Drop Compensation per Line 9 Up-prog. Response Time, 0~Vmax 10 Efficiency (100/200 VAC input) 11
    XG 6-220 1 V 60 ms 75/77%
    XG 8-200 1 V 60 ms 77/78%
    XG 12-140 1 V 60 ms 80/83%
    XG 20-84 1.5 V 60 ms 82/85%
    XG 33-50 2 V 60 ms 83/86%
    XG 40-42 2 V 60 ms 83/87%
    XG 60-28 3 V 60 ms 83/87%
    XG 80-21 5 V 100 ms 83/87%
    XG 100-17 5 V 100 ms 83/87%
    XG 150-11.2 5 V 100 ms 83/87%
    XG 300-5.6 5 V 150 ms 83/87%
    XG 600-2.8 5 V 250 ms 83/87%
    Output Ratings
    Model Down-prog. Response Time: Full Load Down-prog. Response Time: No Load Over-Voltage Trip Point
    XG 6-220 50 ms 300 ms 0.5–7.5 V
    XG 8-200 50 ms 400 ms 0.5–10 V
    XG 12-140 50 ms 500 ms 1–15 V
    XG 20-84 50 ms 600 ms 1–24 V
    XG 33-50 50 ms 700 ms 2–39 V
    XG 40-42 50 ms 800 ms 2–44 V
    XG 60-28 50 ms 900 ms 3–66 V
    XG 80-21 80 ms 1000 ms 3–95 V
    XG 100-17 100 ms 1200 ms 3–125 V
    XG 150-11.2 150 ms 1800 ms 3–180 V
    XG 300-5.6 150 ms 2200 ms 5–330 V
    XG 600-2.8 250 ms 3500 ms 5–660 V
    9. When using remote sense, the total of the load voltage and the load line drops must not exceed the rated output of the power supply. For example, for an XG 6-220 in an application with 1 V of load line loss (0.5 V/Line), the maximum available load voltage would be 6-1=5 V. Note: The unit may operate at higher output voltages than this, but there is no guarantee That the power supply will meet performance specifications. Ultimately, the upper limit of the output voltage will be determined by internal circuitry of the power supply (non-adjustable)
    10. With rated, resistive load.
    11. At 100/200 Vac input voltage and maximum output power. Applies to all footnotes: Programming and Readback: RS-232, RS-485, USB built in. GP1B, Ethernet optional. Specifications are guaranteed from 1% to 100% of the rated output voltage, current, and power.
    * Typical

    Note: All specifications are subject to change.
    AC Line Input Specifications
    Rated AC Input Voltage/Frequency 100–240 Vac, 47–63 Hz
    Operational AC Input Voltage/Frequency 85–265 Vac continuous, 47–63 Hz, single phase
    Input Current (at 100/200 Vac) 23/12 A
    Inrush Current (100/200 Vac) Less than: 50 A
    Power Factor Correction 0.99@100/200 Vac, rated output power
    Programming Mode
    Voltage & Current Output Voltage Programming 0-100% 2~up to 10 V, programmable    
    Voltage & Current Output Resistive Programming 0-100% 2~up to 10 kΩ, programmable    
    Voltage Output Resistor Programming 0-100% 2~up to 10 kΩ, programmable    
    Output Voltage and Current Monitor 0-100% 2~up to 10 V, programmable    
    Voltage Programming Accuracy (mV)1 ± 0.5% of rated output voltage, max (0-4V/4K range)   ± 0.1% of rated output voltage
    Current Programming Accuracy (mV)1 ± 1% of rated output current, max (0-4V/4K range)   ± 0.2% of rated output current
    Voltage Readback Accuracy (mV) ± 1% of rated output voltage   ± 0.1% of rated output voltage
    Current Readback Accuracy (mV) ± 1% of rated output current   ± 0.2% of rated output current
    Isolation (Prog and Readback Lines) With respect to chassis potential: 500 V With respect to: chassis potential: 600 V negative or positive main output 1500 V negative or positive auxiliary output 300 V  
    Voltage and Current Programming Resolution     0.012% of full scale
    Voltage and Current Readback Resolution      
    Parallel Operation Up to 4 units in master / slave Up to 4 units in master / slave Up to 4 units in master / slave
    Series Operation   Up to 2 units (with external diodes) Up to 2 units (with external diodes)
    Constant Voltage (CV) Constant Current (CC) Indicator CV: TTL High (4-5 V)
    CC TTL Low (0-0.6 V)
    Shutdown Control 2   Logic low 0.0 - 1.4 V
    Logic high 2.0 - 15 V
    Dry contact compatible
    AUX On/Off Control   TTL level or dry contact compatible  
    Power Supply Status Signal   TTL high: OK (4-5 V)
    TTL low: fail (0-0.6 V)
    Interlock Enable/Disable   Dry contact. Open/Short: On or Off programmable  
    1. Typical APG or isolated APG accuracy can be improved to max accuracy by user calibration at the specific range selected
    2. The shutdown input has user selectable negative logic operation via front panel or remote digital input/output

    Note: All specifications are subject to change.
    Output Performance Specifications
    Temperature Coefficient 100 PPM/° C from rated output voltage, after a 30-minute warm-up*
    Drift (8 hours) 0.05% of rated output voltage & current over an 8 hour interval with constant line, load & temperature, after a 30-minute warm-up
    Hold-up Time Typical 20 ms at any rated input line.
    Transient Response Time 1 Less than 1 ms for 6 V to 60 V models. Less than 2 ms for 80 V to 600 V models*
    Meter Accuracy 0.5% ± 1 count
    Aux output 3 +5 V: +0.4 V, – 0.5 V at 0.4 A
    +15 V: +1.2 V, – 1.4 V at 0.4 A
    Isolation 2 1500Vac or 2121Vdc between mains terminals and accessible conductive parts / chassis ground.
    Output to chassis 500Vac.
    Environmental Specifications (Indoor use)
    Operating Temperature Range 32°F to 122°F, 100% load (0°C to 50°C)
    Storage Temperature Range -4°F to 158°F (–20° C to 70°C)
    Operating Humidity Range 30–90% RH (no condensation)
    Storage Humidity Range 10–95% RH (no condensation)
    Operating Altitude Up to 6,500 feet (2,000 m)
    Installation Category II (IEC 1010-1)
    Pollution Degree 2 (IEC 1010-1)
    Mechanical Specifications
    XG 1700 Watt (W×H×D) 16.8 x 1.7 x 19.0 inch (429 x 43.6 x 483 mm without rack mount ears)
    Weight 22 lb (10 kg)
    Cooling Forced air cooling by internal fans
    Regulatory Approvals
    CSA 22.2 No. 61010-1, 60950-1-07 and UL61010-1, UL60950-1-(2nd Ed) 12 12. Marked with cCSAus, CE for EMC & low voltage directive
    EMC Complies with EN61326-1
    Complies with EN55022, Class B, FCC Part 15B for conducted emissions
    Complies with EN55022, Class A, FCC Part 15A for radiated emissions
    Complies with EN61000-4 series of standards for immunity

    * Typical
    1. Time for the output voltage to recover within 0.05% at its rated output for a load change 10-90% of rated ouput current. Output set point 10-100%
    2. Double insulation on primary to secondary isolation barriers. Basic insulation primary to protective earth ground.
    3. Current: 0.51 A minimum guaranteed, 0.72 A typically available. Overcurrent protection (each output) is automatic, non-latching. When OCP is tripped the aux voltage folds back and will recover to nominal condition
    when the over current condition is removed (typ. <0.2A). To protect external circuits attached to the aux outputs it is recommended that customers use an appropriately rated fuse in series with the aux outputs set point 10-100%

    Note: All specifications are subject to change.

  • Diagram +

    Sorensen XG 1700 W 示意图

    PDF XG 1700 示意图(337KB)
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    XG 1700 型号描述
    MEB LXI C类 以太网
    MGA GPIB, IEEE 488.2
    MIA 隔离模拟接口
    XG 选件和配件
    RM - XG1 机架安装角支架