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电压:60 - 1000 Vdc
电流:10 - 1500 Adc
功率:800 W - 7.5 kW

  • 概述 +

    PLA 系列 eLoad

    传统的直流电子负载十分笨重,并且体积庞大。大多数仅提供标准的电压、电流与功率。在 ATE系统中,机架空间一般十分有限,而且随着技术日新月异,应用需求日益多样化。AMREL 的 PLA 系列的风冷型直流电子负载拥有目前市面上较小的体积,却提供较高的功率密度、较多的电流等级和种类较齐全的高压型号。此外,用户还可以根据个别需要对 PLA 型号产品进行定制。
    选用 eLoad 系列负载的用户不必将设备返厂校准或为了调整电位计而拆卸多个螺钉。只要遵照前面板提示的 AMREL 校准程序进行操作,就可以很快地将设备恢复运行(需要某些电子测试设备)。这样就能几乎完全避免停产,又省去了每年的返厂校准运费。

    FET 隔离保护
    为确保 PLA 系列的可靠性,AMREL 的设计还增加了 FET 隔离保护功能。一台可编程电子负载可能包含许多并联的 FET。因此,其中一个 FET 短路就会造成级联失效。AMREL 的 eLoad 程控负载能隔离失效的部分,保护其余部件不受影响,从而提高系统对严重失效的保护水平。FET 隔离保护功能可以缩短平均恢复时间 (MTTR),使电子负载迅速恢复运行。

    PLA 的设计让其能在接近 0.1V 的电压水平下运行。它可以在不足额定电压1%的电压下消耗满额电流。例如 60V,1500A 型号可以在 0.6 V 电压条件下工作,但仍消耗满额电流。

  • Specifications +

    PLA 系列:产品规格
    Models Power Input (MAX) Voltage (V) (MAX) Current (A) (MAX)
    PLA800-60-300 800W 60 300
    PLA800-120-150 800W 120 150
    PLA800-400-50 800W 400 50
    PLA800-600-30 800W 600 30
    PLA800-800-15 800W 800 15
    PLA800-1000-5 800W 000 5
    PLA1.5K-60-600 1.5KW 60 600
    PLA1.5K-120-300 1.5KW 120 300
    PLA1.5K-400-100 1.5KW 400 100
    PLA1.5K-600-60 1.5KW 600 60
    PLA1.5K-800-30 1.5KW 800 30
    PLA1.5K-1000-12 1.5KW 1000 12
    PLA2K-60-600 2KW 60 600
    PLA2K-120-400 2KW 120 400
    PLA2K-400-150 2KW 400 150
    PLA2K-600-100 2KW 600 100
    PLA2.5K-60-1000 2.5KW 60 1000
    PLA2.5K-120-600 2.5KW 120 600
    PLA2.5K-400-200 2.5KW 400 200
    PLA2.5K-600-120 2.5KW 600 120
    PLA3K-60-1000 3KW 60 1000
    PLA3K-120-800 3KW 120 800
    PLA3K-400-300 3KW 400 300
    PLA3K-600-150 3KW 600 150
    PLA3K-800-50 3KW 800 50
    PLA3K-1000-30 3KW 1000 30
    PLA4K-60-1200 4KW 60 1200
    PLA4K-120-1000 4KW 120 1000
    PLA4K-400-360 4KW 400 360
    PLA4K-600-200 4KW 600 200
    PLA5K-60-1200 5KW 60 1200
    PLA5K-120-1200 5KW 120 1200
    PLA5K-400-400 5KW 400 400
    PLA5K-600-240 5KW 600 240
    PLA5K-800-100 5KW 800 100
    PLA5K-1000-50 5KW 1000 50
    PLA6K-60-1500 6KW 60 1500
    PLA6K-120-1500 6KW 120 1500
    PLA6K-400-500 6KW 400 500
    PLA6K-600-300 6KW 600 300
    PLA7.5K-60-1500 7.5KW 60 1500
    PLA7.5K-120-1500 7.5KW 120 1500
    PLA7.5K-400-600 7.5KW 400 600
    PLA7.5K-600-400 7.5KW 600 400
    PLA7.5K-800-150 7.5KW 800 150
    PLA7.5K-1000-75 7.5KW 1000 75
    Models CR Low (min) Ω CR High (max) Ω Vmin at Imax LxWxH & Weight
    PLA800-60-300 0.0125 200 0.75 2U, 21"D
    PLA800-120-150 0.0150 800 1.8 2U, 21"D
    PLA800-400-50 0.0068 8000 2.7 2U, 21"D
    PLA800-600-30 0.0130 20000 7.8 2U, 21"D
    PLA800-800-15 0.0049 53333.3 3.9 2U, 21"D
    PLA800-1000-5 0.0050 200000 5 2U, 21"D
    PLA1.5K-60-600 0.0125 100 0.75 2U, 21"D
    PLA1.5K-120-300 0.0150 400 1.8 2U, 21"D
    PLA1.5K-400-100 0.0068 4000 2.7 2U, 21"D
    PLA1.5K-600-60 0.0130 10000 7.8 2U, 21"D
    PLA1.5K-800-30 0.0049 26666.7 3.9 2U, 21"D
    PLA1.5K-1000-12 0.0060 83333.3 6 2U, 21"D
    PLA2K-60-600 0.0100 100 0.6 3U, 25.5"D
    PLA2K-120-400 0.0150 300 1.8 3U, 25.5"D
    PLA2K-400-150 0.0068 2666.7 2.7 3U, 25.5"D
    PLA2K-600-100 0.0140 6000 8.4 3U, 25.5"D
    PLA2.5K-60-1000 0.0100 60 0.6 3U, 25.5"D
    PLA2.5K-120-600 0.0150 200 1.8 3U, 25.5"D
    PLA2.5K-400-200 0.0068 2000 2.7 3U, 25.5"D
    PLA2.5K-600-120 0.0130 5000 7.8 3U, 25.5"D
    PLA3K-60-1000 0.0100 60 0.6 3U, 25.5"D
    PLA3K-120-800 0.0133 150 1.6 3U, 25.5"D
    PLA3K-400-300 0.0068 1333.3 2.7 3U, 25.5"D
    PLA3K-600-150 0.0120 4000 7.2 3U, 25.5"D
    PLA3K-800-50 0.0031 16000 2.5 3U, 25.5"D
    PLA3K-1000-30 0.0060 33333.3 6 3U, 25.5"D
    PLA4K-60-1200 0.0100 50 0.6 4U, 25.5"D
    PLA4K-120-1000 0.0150 120 1.8 4U, 25.5"D
    PLA4K-400-360 0.0068 1111.1 2.7 4U, 25.5"D
    PLA4K-600-200 0.0130 3000 7.8 4U, 25.5"D
    PLA5K-60-1200 0.0100 50 0.6 4U, 25.5"D
    PLA5K-120-1200 0.0150 100 1.8 4U, 25.5"D
    PLA5K-400-400 0.0070 1000 2.8 4U, 25.5"D
    PLA5K-600-240 0.0130 2500 7.8 4U, 25.5"D
    PLA5K-800-100 0.0045 8000 3.6 4U, 25.5"D
    PLA5K-1000-50 0.0060 20000 6 4U, 25.5"D
    PLA6K-60-1500 0.0100 40 0.6 6U, 25.5"D
    PLA6K-120-1500 0.0150 80 1.8 6U, 25.5"D
    PLA6K-400-500 0.0075 800 3 6U, 25.5"D
    PLA6K-600-300 0.0140 2000 8.4 6U, 25.5"D
    PLA7.5K-60-1500 0.0100 40 0.6 6U, 25.5"D
    PLA7.5K-120-1500 0.0150 80 1.8 6U, 25.5"D
    PLA7.5K-400-600 0.0068 666.7 2.7 6U, 25.5"D
    PLA7.5K-600-400 0.0140 1500 8.4 6U, 25.5"D
    PLA7.5K-800-150 0.0045 5333.3 3.6 6U, 25.5"D
    PLA7.5K-1000-75 0.0060 13333.3 6 6U, 25.5"D
    Constant Resistance Mode
    Transient Time Range :
    CRM / CRH
    Same As CC Mode
    Transient Time Range : CRL Same As CV Mode
    Temperature Coefficient :
    CRM / H
    300 ppm / °C of Minimum Resistance
    Temperature Coefficient : CRL 300 ppm / °C of Maximum Resistance
    Constant Resistance Mode - Program : CR Resolution*2 - 1/16000 Of Rated Value
    *1 All Mode Specification measure by 25˚C room temperature unless otherwise specified
    *2 Transient Mode Specification must be x2
    Constant Voltage Mode (0-V) V
    CVMedium Range 0 - ( V / 2) V
    CVLow Range 0 - ( / 10) V
    Temp Coefficient 100 ppm / °C of Rated Voltage
    Transient Time Range
    Fast Band(default, Osc1) 0.500 ~ 51.19 ms
    Slow Band(Osc2, Osc3) 0.500 ~ 511.9 ms
    CV Resolutions*2 1/16000 of rated voltage
    CV Accuracy*2 (CVH, CVM, CVL) 0.05% +/- (0.1% x Vmax) V
    Display Specifications
    CV Resolution 1/16000 of Rated Voltage
    CV Accuracy (CVH, CVM, CCL) 0.05% +/- (0.1% x V) V
    Constant Power Mode
    CPHigh Range (0-P) W
    CPMedium Range 0 - (P/2) W @ DC input current ≤ (I/2) A
    CPLow Range 0 - (P/10) W @ DC input current ≤ (I/10) A
    Transient Time Range Same as CC Mode
    Temperature Coefficient 300 ppm / °C of Rated Power
    Constant Power Mode : Program
    CPHigh Accuracy*2 1.00% +/- (Px0.5%) W @ input current > (I/20) A, input voltage > (V/10) V
    CPMedium Range 1.00% +/- (Px0.5%) W @ input current > (I/100) A, input voltage > (V/10) V
    CPLow Range 1.00% +/- (Px0.5%) W @ input current > (I/1000) A, input voltage > (V/5) V
    Program CP Resolution*2 1/16000 of Rated Power
    Constant Current Mode
    CCHigh Range 0 - I A
    CCMedium Range 0 - (I/2) A
    CCLow Range 0 - (I/10) A
    Transient Time Range
    Fast Band (default, Osc1) 0.050 ~ 51.19 ms
    Slow Band (Osc2, Osc3) 0.500 ~ 511.9 ms
    Temperature Coefficient 100 ppm / °C of Rated Current
    Constant Current Mode : Program
    CC Resolution*2 1/16000 of rated current
    CCHigh Accuracy*2 LHM 0.05% +/- (Ix0.1%) A
    Constant Resistance Mode
    Transient Time Range : CRM / CRH Same As CC Mode
    Transient Time Range : CRL Same As CV Mode
    Temperature Coefficient : CRM / H 300 ppm / °C of Minimum Resistance
    Temperature Coefficient : CRL 300 ppm / °C of Maximum Resistance
    Constant Resistance Mode - Program
    CR Resolution*2 1/16000 of rated value
    External Programming Mode
    Monitor Output Signal 0-10 Volts output for 0 to full scale value
    VMON Accuracy 0.10% +/- (Vx0.1%) V
    IMON Accuracy 0.10% +/- (Ix0.1%) A
    Analog Program 0~10 Volts Input yields 0 -- selected full scale loading in all modes
    Accuracy Same As Internal ± 0.1% Rating
    Input Impedance 200 k Ω ± 1 %
    BandWidth(-3dB) Limited By Internal Transient Time
    Remote Interface GPIB / RS-232 / ETHERNET / USB
    Programmable Protection
    Power (OPP)
    Range (Px1.05/800) ~ (Px1.05) W
    Resolution (Px1.05/8000) W
    Accuracy 0.50% +/- (P x 21 / 8000) W
    Voltage (OVP)
    Range (Vx1.05/1600) ~ (Vx1.05) V
    Resolution (Vx1.05/16000) V
    Accuracy 0.20% +/- (Vx1.05/800) V
    Current (OCP)
    Range Ix1.05/1600) ~ (Ix1.05) A
    Resolution (Ix1.05/16000) A
    Accuracy 0.20% +/- (Ix1.05/800) A
    Under Voltage Lockout (UVL)
    Mode Input On / Continuous
    Range ((V/4000*3) ~ Vmax) V
    Resolution (V/4000) V
    Accuracy 2.50% +/- (V/800) V
    Anti-Oscillation Default/ Osc1/ Osc2/ Osc3/ Disable
    Over Power (OP) (Px1.05) +/- (Px0.02) W
    Over Voltage (OV) (Vx1.05) +/- (Vx0.02) V
    Over Current (OC) (Ix1.1) +/- (Ix1.1x0.01/1.05) A
    Over Temp (OTP) 90.00 +/- 5.000 °C
    Reverse Max Current (RCP) (Ix1.1) A
    Short Max Current (Ix1.02) A
    Remote Inhibit (RI) Short
    Fault Indicator SPDT Relay (30Vdc/0.5A or 125Vac/0.25A
    AC Input 95~240 Vac 48~62 Hz
    Derating for higher temperatures (-)1.67% Rated Power / °C
    Operating Temperature 5 °C ~ 40 °C
    Transient Mode
    Frequency Range 0.100 - 10,000 Hz
    Duty Range 1.000 - 100.0%
    Transient Time Accuracy 10.0% +/- 50% of Min Time
    Dielectric Strength
    Primary Circuit To Chassis 1500 Vac for 1 min
    Primary Circuit To Load Terminal 1500 Vac for 1 min
    Load Terminal To Chassis 1500 Vdc for 1 min
  • Manuals +

  • Data Sheets +