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  • 高密度RF树(1x31)
  • 可以与组合器/分配器和其他SMIPII节点混合和搭配,以创建特定于应用的配置
  • 不存在未端接的短截线效应
  • 最大切换功率高达 10W
  • 出色的串扰和隔离性能

    The SMP6103 is a very high-density coaxial tree, and is designed for high-fidelity RF switching applications up to 750 MHz. Excellent crosstalk and isolation is maintained by using RF relays with bandwidths in excess of 2.0 GHz, along with short low-loss coaxial runs from the connector directly to the relays.

    All modules are also configured to avoid any unterminated stub effects, improving overall signal integrity and allowing for larger high-frequency multiplexer configurations while maintaining bandwidth and VSWR. The front panel contains two high-density, 26-pin coaxial connectors designed for high reliability and superior signal integrity.

    The SMP6103 is part of the SMIPII™ family and can be mixed and matched with other SMIPII™ modules to configure high-density switching systems. For example, approximately 180 50 ohm coaxial switch points can be switched within a double slot VXI card (SMP1200), providing exceptional density without degrading signal integrity.

  • 相关产品 +

    部件号/型号 描述
    SMP1100 SMIP单插槽基本单元(可容纳两个开关模块)
    SMP1200 SMIP双插槽基本单元(最多可容纳六个开关模块)
    EX1200-6216 双(1x16),1 GHz RF多路复用器,50 Ω
    EX1200-6216HV 双(1 x 16)250 MHz,500 V多路复用器
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