The base units for signal switching in DC to RF frequency ranges consist of the SMP1100 single-slot base unit and the SMP1200 double-slot base unit. The SMP1100 can house up to two high-density switch modules, and the SMP1200 can house up to six high-density switch modules.
Switch modules can be mixed and matched for flexibility and density. For example, scanners, multiplexers, power, general-purpose switches and RF cards can all be housed in a double-slot VXIbus card. Also a 1 x 768 one-wire multiplexer can be accommodated in a double-slot VXIbus card (SMP1200).
For maintainability and upgrades in the field, all switch modules are removable from the front panel.
The SMIPII family includes:
- Power (switching greater than 2 A)
- General Purpose
- Multiplexers/Scanners
- Matrices
- RF
- Relay Drivers, Loads & Digital I/O
Configuring your switch system has never been easier:
Step 1: Start with the SMP1100 single-wide or SMP1200 double-wide base unit.
Step 2: Select up to two switch modules for the SMP1100, or up to six for the SMP1200. Different switch modules can be mixed and matched within the SMP1100 /SMP1200, i.e., RF, matrices, power, multiplexers and general purpose switches can all be mixed together.
Step 3: Select the appropriate mating connectors.