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  • 占用空间小,可实现 500 V 的直流操作,带有可控阻抗
  • 两个VXI卡插槽中最多有144个通道
  • SPST继电器可以配对,以便为每个SMP2300配置12个DPST继电器
  • 前面板上有用于紧急故障情况的故障保护中断输入

    Note: The SMP2300 and SMP2300-93 have been discontinued.

    The SMP2300 and SMP2300-93 are designed to switch high-voltage signals for device under test control and measurement purposes. The SMP2300 is designed to switch high-voltage signals in a controlled 50 ohm impedance environment and the SMP2300-93 designed to switch signals in a controlled 93 ohm environment.

    Up to 144 channels can be accommodated in a double-slot VXIbus card (SMP1200) for maximum density, or mixed and matched with other SMIPII™ cards for flexibility. Applications include Hipot or cable breakdown testing.

    When switching high voltages, the need for signal shielding becomes critical. The SMP2300 has been designed to include large shield planes to reduce crosstalk and voltage spikes to adjacent channels.

    For ATE applications, such as switching high-voltage source measure units or power supplies, a fail-safe interrupt line is provided on the front panel. This can open all relays automatically if a safety condition occurs. This approach instantly removes all high voltages to the UUT or interface.

  • 相关产品 +

    部件号/型号 描述
    SMP2001A 20个SPST 16A电源开关或10个DPST 16A、VXI电源开关
    SMP2002A 12个SPDT 16A、VXI电源开关
    SMP2003 8个SPDT 20A电源开关(仅限SMP1100)
    SMP2004 12个SPST 20A电源开关(仅限SMP1100)
    SMP2005 3个SPDT和3个SP4T 20A电源开关(仅限SMP1100)
    SMP2008 16个DPST 500V高压继电器
    SMP2009 16个SPDT 500V高压继电器
    SMP2104 10通道20 A直流固态开关
    SMP2012 10个SPST 30A电源开关(仅限SMP1100)
    SMP2300-93 24个SPST或12个SPDT 500V、2A载流(93欧姆)
    SMP6006 2(1x16)高压星形开关>250 MHz
    SMP2007A 48通道1000V高压多路复用器
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