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  • 使单个VXI总线卡插槽的功能比单设备解决方案强三倍
  • 专为高性能仪器而设计
  • 开放式平台,允许混合或搭配其他供应商提供的仪器,以进行产品设计
  • 减少了测试和数据采集的规模和成本
  • 概述 +

    The award winning VXI Modular Instrumentation Platform (VMIP™) provides customers with a level of modularity for instruments that is unmatched in the industry. The VMIP™ makes a single VXIbus card slot three times more powerful than single device solutions. Each VMIP™ instrument can be mixed and matched with other VMIP™ devices for added flexibility.

    The VMIP™ is designed for high performance instrumentation, (for example 6.5 digit DMMs, 1 ns counter/timers, 50 MSa/s AWG), and supports all aspects of the VXI specification including access to all seven power supply lines, TTLbus triggers, and interrupts. Each VMIP™ product is an independent VXIbus device with its own unique logical address (ULA) and VXIplug&play drivers.

    The VMIP™ is an open-platform, allowing anyone to design a product that can be mixed and matched with other VMIP™ instruments found VTI Instruments or from other suppliers. To aid in development, VTI Instruments offers a complete prototyping module (VM7000) that allows custom instruments/circuitry to be integrated into the VMIP™ family.

    More than 20 unique instrument modules are available on the platform, bringing robust performance and design flexibility to ATE systems. VMIP™ products are the choice of many system developers with over 1000 VM9000 base units shipped per year. VMIP™ products have enabled designers of the following systems to leverage off the most popular modular mezzanine platform on the market:

    • Boeing 777 NxGen

    • Lockheed LMSTAR Avionics

    • Raytheon STEP Missile Testers

    • International Trucking ECM EITS

    • Dell Computer ESS Testing

    • Schlumberger Drill Head PCB

    • Delphi R&D

  • 相关产品 +

    部件号/型号 描述
    CT400 模块化 13 插槽 VXI 总线主机
    EX2500A LXI-VXI千兆以太网零号插槽接口
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