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  • 每个仪器都具有 8 个独立、隔离的 16 位 D/A 转换器
  • 5 种输出范围:±10V、±16V、0-20V、0-32V和±20mA
  • 在直接寄存器访问模式下可实现 > 100 kSa/s 的速率
  • 每个VXI总线C尺寸的插槽最多有24个隔离D/A转换器
  • 多种触发功能
  • 使用可存储预定义值序列的扫描列表可以简化测试 bsp;
  • 校准常数的板载存储
  • 与SCPI兼容
  • VXI 即插即用驱动程序

    The VM3618 instrumentation module provides eight independent isolated channels of a digital to analog converter (DAC), each with 16 bits of resolution. Each channel consists of a DAC combined with an output amplifier that allows for output voltage ranges of ±10 V, ±16 V, (0-20) V, and (0-32) V. In addition to providing precision voltages, the VM3618 also provides precision current in the ±20 mA range. Each channel may be programmed to a unique range. Multiple channels can be connected in series to provide extended voltage ranges. For example, channels 1 and 2 can be connected to provide a single output with a range of (0-64) V or ±32 V.

    This module is part of the VMIP™ family of instruments and can be combined with up to two other modules to form a high-density VXIbus instrument that fully utilizes the capabilities of the VMIP™.

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    部件号/型号 描述
    VM3616A 16通道、16位DAC/波形发生器
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    VM3608A 8通道、16位DAC/波形发生器
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