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  • 具备自动量程功能的 6.5 位数字万用表
  • DCV、ACV、DCI、ACI、2 线和 4 线欧姆
  • 背板的读数高达2000个读数/秒
  • 用于连续测量的FIFO内存
  • 两个平衡差分隔离输入
  • 板载内存可储存高达 256,000 个读数
  • 消息或寄存器数据访问
  • 最小值/最大值、极限特征、公式(y = mX + b)
  • 高共模抑制
  • VXI 即插即用驱动程序

    The VM2710A is a high-performance auto-ranging 6.5 digit multimeter that offers DCV, ACV, DCI, ACI, and 2- and 4-wire resistance measurements in a very small footprint. This DMM is designed for fast system throughput, with greater than 2000 readings/s across the backplane, unlike other 6.5 digit DMMs that only allow fast read rates into on-board memory. For applications that require multiple input monitoring, the VM2710A provides on-board limit checking and the option to generate VXIbus triggers if the input exceeds these limits. This approach further speeds system throughput by freeing up the VXIbus controller and backplane from having to continuously monitor these limits.

    Two differential isolated input channels are provided on the VM2710A to allow one channel to be connected directly to a scanning multiplexer, while the other can be brought directly out to a probe panel for manual test and debug of the unit under test, or precision measurements.

    This DMM belongs to the VMIP™ family of products which gives the user the added flexibility of combining it with other instruments, such as arbitrary waveform generators or counters, to create a multi-function C-size card. Because it is unnecessary to take up a complete VXIbus card slot for the DMM functionality, the VM2710A is the ideal choice for data acquisition and ATE.

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    部件号/型号 描述
    VM2716A 16通道差分4.5位数字扫描电压表
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