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  • 占用空间小、便携、成本低
  • 重量轻(不到22磅,包括电源)
  • 最多可容纳12台VXI总线仪器(VMIP™)
  • 可在现场更换电源和风扇组件,MTTR较低
  • 远程隔离开/关控制
  • 有+5V和+12V电源,可为UUT和其他外部设备供电

    The CT-310A 5-slot VXIbus mainframe is designed from the ground up for portability. The CT-310A weighs and costs significantly less than other portable VXIbus mainframes with equivalent power capacity. With the introduction of VTI Instrument’s VXIbus Modular Instrumentation Platform (VMIP™), up to 12 high-performance instruments can be accommodated in a 5-slot VXIbus mainframe, allowing truly portable test scenarios.
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    部件号/型号 描述
    CT-100C 6插槽VXI总线主机
    CT-400 模块化 13 插槽 VXI 总线主机
    E8408A 4插槽VXI总线主机
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