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  • 设计用于 EMX-4250/EMX-4251
  • 具有8通道(EMX-4008)和16(EMX-4016)通道型号
  • LED通道运行状况指示灯
  • 针对信号的 BNC 连接
  • 外部触发连接器
  • 外部校准输入连接器
  • 可安装在机架上

    The EMX-4008 and EMX-4016 provide an easy and quick option for connecting transducers into the EMX-425x cards. They provide BNC connections which offer a robust connection for most signal types. In addition, these breakout boxes provide both an external trigger connector and an external calibration input connector to facilitate calibration of the EMX-425x cards. These breakout boxes support IEPE as well as voltage measurements and are designed to leverage the IEPE current from the EMX-425x. Both breakout boxes are rack mountable.

    Both the EMX-4008 and EMX-4016 have LED indicators per channel to indicate potential problems with IEPE transducers. RED indicates open or short circuit, while GREEN indicates IEPE current on. This way, users can quickly determine any problems in their setup.

    Each BNC connector in the BOB is connected to an independent, floating current source in the EMX-4250 that provides 4.5 mA or 9 mA programmable excitation current, to power integrated-electronics circuit piezo-electric (IEPE) transducers. The current sources are each independently controllable by software.
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    部件号/型号 描述
    EMX-4008 用于 EMX-4250/4251 的 8 通道分线盒
    EMX-4250 16通道、204.8 kSa/s智能动态信号分析仪
    EMX-4251 8通道、204.8 kSa/s智能动态信号分析仪
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